Sulfur Acne Treatments

Published:February 16th, 2012


Acne problems can be very well treated with sulfur, the same chemical which is found in match sticks. It has been effectively used since ancient times in treating dermatitis, rosacea, dandruff and warts. Sulfur as a natural element has a distinctive odor but because of today’s advancement in medical sciences, it is processed to a great extent, so the products made out of it do not smell bad anymore. Sulfur treatments contain sodium sulfacetamide or resorcinol which is available in prescription drugs and over-the-counter products as well.

How Sulfur Treats Acne
Acne is caused by clogging of skin pores due to dead skin cells which are trapped in the pores. The keratolytic properties of sulfur promote shedding thereby exfoliating these dead skin cells. Along with this, its comedolytic properties take off the affected skin by drying and exfoliating it afterwards. Sulfur also inhibits pores from being clogged and it also minimizes oiliness.
Sulfur acne treatment is usually applied topically causing your skin to become dry and peel off. Now, do not get scared when you hear this because peeling of your dead skin is actually a good thing if you have acne. Sulfur is present in skin care products such as cleansers, soaps, masks, lotions, and spot-treatments.

Benefits of Sulfur Acne Treatments 
There is a wide array of benefits that can be derived from using sulfur in treating acne. Most acne is caused by bacteria when dirt is trapped in the pores leading to inflammation in the forms of whiteheads, blackheads and
pimples. It is because of this that sulfur is praised for its mild antibacterial properties. It eliminates bacteria in the skin reducing the chances for new breakouts. Mask treatments for acne make use of the antibacterial properties of sulfur.
In some cases, sulfur benefits are best attained through combining it with other anti-acne substances. These include charcoal and tea tree oil. One component of cleansers containing sulfur is benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Sulfur is a natural element that is a good choice for natural skin care products.

Side Effects
The most common side effects of sulfur acne treatments are peeling, drying, burning, redness and irritation of skin. When you first start treatment, your skin and acne tend to be worse that is why it is recommended that you start slowly. Then you can switch to the recommended dose if you become tolerant to the treatment. Serious problems are rarely caused by topical sulfur. However, if your skin becomes excessively irritated and dry, gauge back on your usage.
There are some products containing sulfur that cause skin discoloration. Some still have that distinct “rotten egg-like” sulfur odor. Try another brand if you are uncomfortably noxious with the smell. Sulfur scent varies among products.

Best Ways to use Sulfur
Some useful tips that can guide you in treating acne with sulfur are:
Do not use sulfur if your skin is sunburned, chapped or irritated. Wait until it has healed before using the product.
Get rid of drying soaps and harsh scrubs if using sulfur products because they tend to over-dry your skin.
Consult your dermatologist before switching to sulfur acne treatment if you are already using Accutane,  Benzamycin or Differin. If used simultaneously, major irritation may occur.
Over-the-counter treatments might also cause problems when you use sulfur products so always talk to your doctor before engaging in treatment.
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding your baby, it is safe not to use sulfur products as your developing fetus might be affected. Consult your doctor for proper recommendations.

One Customer Review of “Sulfur Acne Treatments”

Comment by Fernando, March 20, 2012