Healthy Lifestyle Equals Beautiful Skin

Published:September 2nd, 2010

Our skin tells a story about our habits and lifestyle more than any other organ in our bodies. Whether we are tired, or we eat unhealthy food, or we do not exercise very often, our skin is the first sign of how healthy our lifestyle is. When we are young, it is easier to keep our skin firm, but as we age, our skin loses its elasticity and shine.

We need vitamins to keep our skin healthy and beautiful as well. Vitamin A is the most important wrinkle enemy we can put to use in order to have supple skin. Vitamin A deficiency is associated with thick, itchy and dry skin. B vitamins helps dull skin, while Vitamin C helps in manufacturing collagen, the basis of connective tissue that holds skin cells together. Vitamin E is an oil that can soften our complexion, and also acts as an antioxidant that protects against cell damage.

We also need vitamin D and if we spend 15 minutes in the sun every day, our skin absorbs the amount we need. However, the sun can also dry the skin and cause damage especially by speeding the aging process. Moisture is important in order to prevent the damage that sun, wind or cold can cause to our skin. In addition to drinking plenty of water, which is vital for the regeneration of cells, we can use a moisturizer.

Regular exercise not only improves our general health but it keeps elasticity of the skin as well. During exercise, our skin takes up more oxygen. Hot and cold showers can also improve skin health. By forcing our skin to relax and contract again, its elasticity will improve and cellulite is reduced.

One Customer Review of “Healthy Lifestyle Equals Beautiful Skin”

Comment by Claudia, November 11, 2010