Are you suffering from summer acne breakout?

Published:August 14th, 2012


Summer is one of the seasons where it is a must that you bare beautiful skin.  Your face must be free from blemishes.  It must be acne free at all costs.  In order for you to have a great summer experience, you must be ready to deal with acne breakouts when it occurs out of the blue.  When you suffer from summer acne breakout, know that you can remedy it right away.

Dissecting Summer Acne Breakout

Summer acne breakouts occur because of the overproduction of sebum.  Since summer is the season where the sun is at its brightest, it can cause severe production of sweat that can result in clogged pores.  Blocked pores can cause accumulation of dirt, which can lead to acne breakouts.

Anyone can be afflicted with this skin condition especially if they tend to sweat a lot.  This condition is treatable.  The key here is prevention.  You must learn to avoid causative factors that can aggravate the presence of acne.  You can have lots of fun under the summer sun when you have clear skin that you can flaunt everywhere.

Treatments That You Can Consider

Practice proper hygiene. Do you remember the times when your parents and teachers would always remind you to wash your hands regularly?  That healthy snippet of wisdom holds true especially if you have summer acne breakouts.  Wash your hands first before touching your face to avoid the spread of infection.  Keep in mind that infection can exacerbate your condition further.

Make it a habit to regularly wash your face.  Wash your face with warm water and soap at least twice a day.  This practice can help in preventing oil from collecting in your face.  It is also wise to use a mild cleanser.  Choose one that can scrub your face thoroughly.

The sun can be very harmful and it can keep your skin dry.  Keep your face moisturized and hydrated.  A dry skin can be a breeding ground for bacteria to thrive.  In order to avoid drying, Use a mild moisturizer because thick ones can cause clogging of pores.

The sunscreen should be your best friend during this time of the year.  Make it a habit to apply it occassionally on your face and skin especially if you’re out under the sun for longer periods of time.  It will not only protect you from sunburn, but it can act as a moisturizer as well.

Your diet also plays a key role in the prevention of summer acne breakouts.  Eat a well balanced, light and nutritious diet. Keep your body hydrated as well.  Drink lots of fluids to flush toxins away from your system.  Eat a variety of citrus fruits if drinking water is not your cup of tea.  Consume everything that is raw and organic and try to avoid foods that can aggravate your condition.  Stay away from caffeinated drinks, oily and spicy foods.

Continue using acne medications.  You can still apply topical creams and ointments while you are on your vacation.  Take your oral medications religiously as well to correct any hormonal imbalances.  In case you don’t want to pack up additional luggage for your medications, you can always embrace alternative remedies such as applying egg white on your face overnight once a week to keep it moisturized or you can apply cucumber juice and it will deliver the same results.

During summer time, it is perfectly fine to bask under the sun and enjoy the heat.  You don’t have to be afraid of sweating or having to worry about acne breakouts.  Remember that prevention is always better than cure.  Consider the treatment options that were mentioned and surely, you will definitely have a summer that is memorable!



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