What factors increase the risk of your developing acne lesions?

Published:August 21st, 2012


Acne is a common skin condition that afflicts teenagers.   This occurs because of the overproduction of sebum, and excessive sweating resulting in clogged pores.  When this happens, dirt and other residues can enter your skin which can cause acne breakouts.

It has been claimed that the presence of acne is related to hygiene.  But, there are also some claims stating that however clean you are, you will still experience acne that may occur due to other factors such as genetics, imbalance of hormones, stress and using medications to treat a medical condition.


When your parents or other relatives have acne then there’s a high possibility that you will have the same skin condition.  The patterns of lesions can also become apparent.  Usually it’s the same for a family.

Imbalance of hormones

During the teenage years, between the ages of 12 to 19, there’s a cocktail of hormones that goes into overdrive causing outbursts of emotions and the presence of acne lesions.  Testosterone, which is a male hormone increases during this stage especially for young girls who have had their periods already.


Those who lead very stressful lives are also prone to having acne lesions.  When you are stressed, the hormone cortisol is increased which can result in an increase of other hormones, ultimately leading to an acne outbreak.  It is a known fact that a surge and imbalance in hormones compounded by stress is a fatal combination that will result to acne breakouts.

The Use of Steroids

There are some medical conditions that are treated with steroids.  Taking these pharmaceutical agents can trigger acne lesions.  The only way for your acne to be eradicated is to stop taking the said medications, but you have to think of the consequences first.  Sometimes, being off steroid medications can be life threatening, and you have to choose carefully between the two options.

Other factors that can lead to the occurrence of acne lesions are the following – wearing of tight clothing that can cause friction on your skin, using skincare products with harmful and irritating ingredients, touching the face without washing your hands and sweating a lot.

Management of Acne Lesions

Remember that prevention is always better than cure.  So when you find out that you are genetically predisposed to having this skin condition then by all means do everything you can to avoid compounding the severity of the problem.  Be hygienic.  Make it a habit to wash your hands before you touch any part of your face.  Regularly cleaning your face with mild soap and water will also work wonders.  Check your diet also.  Make sure that you refrain from eating oily foods that can otherwise lead you to have acne breakouts.  Learn to eat raw and fresh fruits.  Drinking liberal amounts of water will also help cleanse your system.

Live a stress free life.  Try not to mull over things that you don’t have control of, but instead live each day one day at a time.  Be greatful and satisfied with the blessing that you are receiving.  In case you find it hard to relax, try meditating once daily.  All you have to do is be aware of your breathing; you can think about happy and positive thoughts to help you get through a difficult day.

And remember to always check with your dermatologists, if your acne lesions are not managed right away, then there might be an underlying cause that you have to address.  Acne is treatable and understanding this skin condition will help a lot.




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