What Makes Acne Worse?

Published:August 30th, 2010

There are several myths regarding what can make acne worse and what can help. Unfortunately, not everything that is commonly believed is also for treating acne.

Frequent washing cannot prevent acne, on the contrary, it can irritate the pores and cause them to be clogged. Use of a washcloth can even increase the irritation of the skin. Long hair if not washed daily can worsen acne.

Sun can only help clearing existing acne in the short-term. Sun burn is however, damaging to your skin and too much exposure can make acne worse. Environmental factors such as pollution and humidity can have an adverse effect on our skin and make acne worse.

As to diet, there is not enough scientific evidence of the link between certain foods and acne. An unhealthy diet is however, more likely to worsen acne. Greasy food and chocolate are often blamed but no hard evidence has been produced yet as to their effect on acne.

Some medications are also responsible for worsening of acne. Among them, oral contraceptive pills, androgens, bromides, lithium, phenytoin and steroids have proven to accelerate development of acne. Even starting or stopping birth control pills can cause acne.

Certain cosmetics and oil from skin products, such as moisturizers or just grease in the work environment will not help the skin cure from acne. Sports helmets or equipment, backpacks or tight uniforms can cause too much pressure on the skin and favour development of acne.

Squeezing and picking at blemishes can be harmful. Popping a pimple is not recommended but it can actually be beneficial in some cases. The skin is suppler after a shower, and this would be the best time to pop a pimple if you cannot help it.

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